What Numbers Do You Read on a Water Meter?

In that location are several reasons why you'd want to be able to locate and read your water meter. Start, y'all might be interested in just how much water you apply in a twenty-four hours. By reading your meter at the get-go and the stop of the twenty-four hour period you can compare the two totals to tell how much water you and your family used. The second reason is to check for leaks. If you turn off all the taps in your firm, expect at your meter and it is still turning, chances are you have a leak somewhere.

Here are some hints to help yous notice and read your water meter:

STEP one: Locate Your Meter

Your h2o meter is generally located near the curb in forepart of your home or identify of business in a direct line with the main outside faucet. It is housed in a physical or black plastic box. Carefully remove the lid by using a tool such equally a large screwdriver. Please, do not utilize your fingers. Insert the tool into one of the holes and pry the hat off. Visually examine the area effectually the meter to make sure there are no harmful insects or other animals.

Step ii: Read Your Water Meter

All customers inside the Benton Water Dept. coverage area have their water use measured past a meter. These results in each client paying their share of operating the system based upon the amount of h2o used.

There are two basic types of water meters -- the straight-reading meter which resembles an odometer in a machine, and the round-reading meter which has several carve up dials.

Footstep 3: How to Read Your Meter

Benton Water uses several brands of water meters. All have a meter register that looks very much like the odometer in your auto, and have six or vii digits to read. The meter readings are read in thousands of gallons. The billing arrangement is programmed to take these meter readings and summate the correct h2o usage in thousands of gallons.

Dial Read Meter – This is 1 of the oldest types of meters in our system. The reading on your bill is derived from reading the digits i at a time from the 1 1000000 down to the tens, rounding all numbers downwardly to the lower number in the sequence. Your reading on your bill will only reflect the beginning four digits of this reading. This meter reads 615 or 615,386 gallons of water.

Badger Meter – This is ane of the older type meters in our system. The reading on your bill is derived from reading the first four digits that are black in the odometer fashion reading device, your meters are read in thousands of gallons. This meter reads 2,955 or ii,955,000 gallons of water.

Sensus Meter - This is ane blazon of meter in our system. The reading on your pecker is derived from reading the first four digits that are blackness in the odometer style reading device, your meters are read in thousands of gallons. This meter reads 4,567 or 4,567,000 gallons of water. The red paw is a leak detector, so if everything is off including things similar icemakers and it is moving, you take a leak on your side of the meter.

Sensus Meter - This is the newest type of meter in our arrangement. The reading on your bill is derived from reading the first four digits from the left in the odometer style reading device, your meters are read in thousands of gallons. This meter reads 0 or ii.7 gallons of water. The blood-red dial is a leak detector, and so if everything is off including things like icemakers and it is moving, yous have a leak on your side of the meter. This meter is fitted with a electronic reading device which transmits readings to a computer in a truck at meter reading time.

Water Meter Data

Principal Meters – The water sold wholesale to the h2o associations which provide service to outlying areas of Saline County is measured past a principal meter. These are read monthly by personnel from our department and a representative from Water Users, LLC, the office for all of these associations, while we maintain all readings for the chief meter at the City of Bauxite.


Source: https://www.bentonutilities.com/how-read-your-water-meter

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